EVGA X58 FTW3睥睨天下無所匹敵

EVGA X58 FTW3帶領EVGA X58走向無所匹敵的領導地位。此主機板延續先前火熱的EVGA X58 SLI設計,並擴增兩個USB 3.0連接埠與兩個SATA 6GB/s連接埠大幅提升效能。有著專為效能狂熱份子打造的Intel X58/ICH10R combo芯片組,搭載六條三通道DDR3記憶體模組插槽,Intel QuickPath Interconnect技術,Intel渦輪加速模式智慧型超頻技術,支援NVIDIA 2-way/3-way SLI,以及更多最新技術。
所搭載的兩個USB3.0連接埠提供高達5Gb/s的傳輸速度,較傳統USB 2.0快10倍以上!SATA 6G也同時提供優於SATA 3G雙倍的效能,數度獲獎的超頻功力更是將此主機板推向無可匹敵的領導地位。事實證明,EVGA X58主機板已自數個權威硬體評比網站獲得二十個以上的獎項肯定。

8+2 Phase PWM
Cleanest possible variable power switchingEVGA Vdroop Control
What you see is what you get
Set your voltage in the BIOS and this is what you will get under load booted in your OSEVGA Dummy OC
Overclock at the touch of a button
Automatically overclock your system with one simple setting in the BIOSEVGA E-LEET Tuning Utility
Overclock your motherboard from inside your OS
Use E-LEET to test your OC settings without having to constantly reset into your BIOSEVGA EZ Voltages read points
Simple voltage points
Easily read voltage levels using a voltmeter with several dedicated read pointsOnboard Clear CMOS, Power and Reset Buttons
System essentials at the touch of a button
Troubleshooting and bench booting are simple with these controlsOnboard CPU Temp Monitor
Monitor your temps quickly and easily
Accurately and instantly see your CPU temperature once your system has POSTed without any other software.Passive Chipset Heatsink
No fans: lower noise and longer lifespan
More than enough cooling wattage to keep those chips well within specsSolid State Capacitors
Higher quality, longer lifespan
These high quality 100% solid state capacitors will just keep going and goingEVGA EVbot Support
Handheld overclocking
This next generation overclocking device interfaces directly to the BIOS while your system is booted in OS