Performance made
EVGA GeForce® RTX 2060 SUPER™,EVGA GeForce® RTX 2070 SUPER™ 和 EVGA GeForce® RTX 2080 SUPER™ 游戏卡散热效果更优越、超频能力更强大、RGB 更酷炫,不仅效能卓越且物超所值。
全新 GeForce RTX SUPER 系列显示适配器,使用 NVIDIA 图灵 (Turing) 架构,、更多核心、更高频率,具备玩家需要的一切功能称霸战游! 相较于 RTX 20 系列,带给玩家高达 25% 的显示适配器效能;与 10 系列相比,更高达 6 倍效能!
全新 GeForce RTX SUPER 系列显示适配器,使用 NVIDIA 图灵 (Turing) 架构,、更多核心、更高频率,具备玩家需要的一切功能称霸战游! 相较于 RTX 20 系列,带给玩家高达 25% 的显示适配器效能;与 10 系列相比,更高达 6 倍效能!

全新 GeForce RTX SUPER 系列显示适配器,使用 NVIDIA 图灵 (Turing) 架构,、更多核心、更高频率,具备玩家需要的一切功能称霸战游! 相较于 RTX 20 系列,带给玩家高达 25% 的显示适配器效能;与 10 系列相比,更高达 6 倍效能!

每场游戏都因即时光线追踪的逼真阴影、倒影和光线变得更加鲜活真实! 使用 Tensor 核心提供高效的人工智能运算能力。最快速的内存、效能与运算技术让 Turing GPUs 成为硬核玩家最强大的武器!
2080 SUPER™
EVGA GeForce® RTX 2080 SUPER™ 为发烧友带来顶尖效能。 拥有 2 插槽和 2.75 插槽,高阶 FTW3 三风扇显示适配器和多种水冷型号,让 2080 SUPER 称霸为王,实至名归。
2070 SUPER™
EVGA GeForce® RTX 2070 SUPER™ 提供 2 插槽 和 2.75 插槽的双风扇显示适配器、单风扇鼓风扇显示适配器和高阶 FTW3 三风扇显示适配器,EVGA GeForce®RTX 2070 SUPER™ 有多种尺寸和效能选择。
2060 SUPER™
EVGA GeForce® RTX 2060 SUPER™ 是玩家体验即时光线追踪、NVIDIA DLSS 和真正 4K 游戏的入门款。全新 EVGA GeForce® RTX 2060 SUPER™ 以 EVGA GeForce RTX™2060 为成功基石,新增 8GB VRAM,更强大的 GPU ,并为 GeForce 2060 系列显示适配器提供金属背板和 RGB 等优质功能。

CUDA® Cores 是 GPU 效能的王者。EVGA GeForce® RTX 2060 SUPER™、EVGA GeForce® RTX 2070 SUPER™ 和 EVGA GeForce® RTX 2080 SUPER™ 游戏卡 的 CUDA® 核心数量增加,效能再提升。

EVGA iCX 专利技术从里到外革新改变显示适配器的散热效果。iCX 设计理念为监控整张显示适配器,利用交互式散热技术降温,带给玩家无忧虑的战游环境。iCX 拥有 11 个全球专利(已核准及核准中),让玩家透过 EVGA Precision X1 软件监控显示适配器的功能和信息。

iCX2 立基于 iCX Cooling,意指压铸底板、散热管,VRM (电压调整模块)和内存散热技术、散热片和风扇设计。 iCX2 的精随,iCX 技术可以感测显示适配器上不同点的温度,并进行不同步风扇控制,为显示适配器的每个区域提供应有的气流。

iCX 2 技术使用专利传感器和微控制处理器操控不同风扇转速,交互式降低显示适配器温度。 拥有至少 9 个温度传感器,iCX 2 技术可追踪显示适配器热点,并启动 iCX 2 散热功能。不同步风扇仅于必要时转动,显示适配器运转几近无声。透过 Precision X1 监控每个 iCX2 温度传感器与风扇。藉由 EVGA iCX 2 技术,您可放心让显示适配器自行解决散热问题,尽情享受无忧虑的战游环境。

实时监测电源连接器及 PCIe 总线
in the latest
多款畅销游戏巨作都将导入 Nvidia® 即时光线追踪。
多款畅销游戏巨作都将导入 Nvidia® 即时光线追踪。

《控制 CONTROL》是款第三人称冒险游戏,故事描述在纽约的秘密机构遭受来自异世界的侵袭后,玩家将试图于混乱的区域中掌握控制权。透过 RTX 即时光线追踪,更逼真、更精确的反射和其他光影追踪效果,让人彷若置身其境。

Bethesda Softworks 和 MachineGames 皆选择 NVIDIA GeForce 作为《德军总部: 血气方刚》的 PC 首选平台,这让我们得以使用光线追踪效果的尖端技术及能加速效能的 NVIDIA 自适应着色 (Adaptive Shading) 技术强化游戏体验。

由 CD Projekt Red 制作的《电驭叛客 2077(Cyberpunk 2077)》已成为 Nvidia® 的官方技术合作伙伴,为游戏带来即时光线追踪。
“光线追踪让我们深刻描绘出繁忙城市里逼真的光影效果,” CD PROJEKT RED 游戏开发工作室负责人 Adam Badowski 表示。 “藉由这项技术,我们能为游戏中已令人惊艳的大城市场景再增添一层光影效果。”

Ubisoft 与 Nvidia 将为最新发布的 《看门狗:自由军团 (Watch Dogs® Legion)》带来即时光线追踪。其设定在近未来伦敦。

Activision 和 Infinity Ward 重启其经典现代战争系列新作《决胜时刻:现代战争》,PC 版将与 Nvidia合作并导入即时光线追踪、 加速效能的 NVIDIA 自适应着色技术以及其他领先业界的 NVIDIA 游戏技术。

EVGA GeForce® RTX™ NVLink™ 网桥连接两个 NVLink™ 内建 SLI 显示适配器,与先前技术相比,传输速度高达 50 倍。 这表示您可以仰赖 GeForce® RTX™ 2080 Ti 和 2080 显示适配器,以最高分辨率超流畅地进行游戏,并享受终极视觉拟真度。
- 不同机种支持 3 插槽和 4 插槽间距两种规格
- 优化的 NVIDIA® Surround,4K + 和 144Hz + 游戏
- 可以在 EVGA Precision X1 中配置 EVGA 标志和其他 RGB LED 灯号
- 与 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti / 2080 / 2080 SUPER/2070 SUPER 显示适配器相容
08G-P4-3288-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER FTW3 HYBRID | 1845 MHz | 2 | HYBRID AIO Cooler | RGB | 2 | 2 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3287-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER FTW3 ULTRA | 1845 MHz | 3 | iCX 2 Technology | RGBW | 2 | 2.75 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3283-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER FTW3 | 1815 MHz | 3 | iCX 2 Technology | RGBW | 2 | 2.75 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3188-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER XC HYBRID | 1830 MHz | 2 | HYBRID AIO Cooler | RGB | 1 | 2 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3187-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER XC2 ULTRA | 1845 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Technology | RGB | 1 | 2.75 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3185-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER XC2 | 1815 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Technology | RGB | 1 | 2.75 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3183-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER XC ULTRA | 1845 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | RGB | 1 | 2.75 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3182-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER XC | 1830 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | RGB | 1 | 2 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3081-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER BLACK | 1815 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | N/A | 1 | 2 Slots | No |
08G-P4-3080-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER GAMING | 1815 MHz | 1 | Blower | RGB | 1 | 2 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3277-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER FTW3 ULTRA | 1815 MHz | 3 | iCX 2 Technology | RGBW | 2 | 2.75 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3273-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER FTW3 | 1770 MHz | 3 | iCX 2 Technology | RGBW | 2 | 2.75 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3178-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER XC HYBRID | 1800 MHz | 2 | HYBRID AIO Cooler | RGB | 1 | 2 Slots | No |
08G-P4-3173-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER XC ULTRA | 1800 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | RGB | 1 | 2.75 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3172-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER XC | 1800 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | RGB | 1 | 2 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3071-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER BLACK | 1770 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | N/A | 1 | 2 Slots | No |
08G-P4-3070-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER GAMING | 1770 MHz | 1 | Blower | RGB | 1 | 2 Slots | No |
08G-P4-3163-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER XC ULTRA | 1695 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | RGB | 1 | 2.75 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3162-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER XC | 1695 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | RGB | 1 | 2 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3161-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER XC BLACK | 1650 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | RGB | 1 | 2 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3067-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER SC ULTRA | 1680 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | N/A | 1 | 2 Slots | Yes |
08G-P4-3065-KR | EVGA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER SC ULTRA BLACK | 1650 MHz | 2 | iCX 2 Cooling | N/A | 1 | 2 Slots | Yes |
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1845 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Hybrid "All-in-One" Watercooler
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- HDCP 2.2
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1845 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- EVGA iCX2 Technology
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1815 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- EVGA iCX2 Technology
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1830 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Hybrid "All-in-One" Watercooler
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- HDCP 2.2
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1845 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- EVGA iCX2 Technology
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1815 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- EVGA iCX2 Technology
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1845 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- HDCP 2.2
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1830 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- HDCP 2.2
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1815 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 3072
- Boost Clock: 1815 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 15500 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 496 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- HDCP 2.2
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2560
- Boost Clock: 1815 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- EVGA iCX2 Technology
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2560
- Boost Clock: 1770 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- EVGA iCX2 Technology
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2560
- Boost Clock: 1800 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Hybrid "All-in-One" Watercooler
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2560
- Boost Clock: 1800 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- Game Ready Drivers
- HDCP 2.2
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2560
- Boost Clock: 1800 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2560
- Boost Clock: 1770 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2560
- Boost Clock: 1770 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- NVLink - 2-Way SLI Ready
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2176
- Boost Clock: 1695 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2176
- Boost Clock: 1695 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2176
- Boost Clock: 1650 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- Adjustable RGB LED
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- DisplayPort 1.4, HDMI 2.0b
- HDCP 2.2
- Designed for USB Type-C™ and VirtualLink™*
*In preparation for the emerging VirtualLink standard, Turing GPUs have implemented hardware support according to the “VirtualLink Advance Overview”. To learn more about VirtualLink, please see http://www.virtuallink.org. - Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2176
- Boost Clock: 1680 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- HDMI 2.0b, DisplayPort 1.4 and Dual-Link DVI
- HDCP 2.2
- Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder
- CUDA Cores: 2176
- Boost Clock: 1650 MHz
- Bus: PCIe 3.0
- Memory Detail: 8192 MB GDDR6
- Memory Bit Width: 256 Bit
- Memory Clock: 14000 MHz
- Memory Bandwidth: 448 GB/s
Key Features
- All-Metal Backplate, Pre-Installed
- Real-Time Ray Tracing
- Built for EVGA Precision X1
- Game Ready Drivers
- NVIDIA® Ansel
- NVIDIA® G-SYNC™ Compatible
- NVIDIA® GeForce Experience
- NVIDIA® GPU Boost™
- NVIDIA® Highlights
- Microsoft® DirectX® 12 Ultimate, Vulkan, OpenGL 4.6
- HDMI 2.0b, DisplayPort 1.4 and Dual-Link DVI
- HDCP 2.2
- Supports NVIDIA NVENC Turing Encoder