The EVGA Turkeynator 2 Social Media Event


Gobblenet is rising yet again, and the Turkeynators are back! Is there any hope for mankind, or will it be a feast for fowl? The future depends on you, and EVGA & INTEL Turkeynator 2: Second Helping Social Media Event is your chance to save the day and win some amazing prizes! There are many ways to enter and the more you enter, the better your chances to win!

The EVGA Turkeynator 2 Social Media Event将在2020年11月16日开始,并将在2020年11月30日结束。 看看你得奖了! 我们将于2020年12月4日公布得奖者。



1x Bundle 1
1x Bundle 2
The EVGA Turkeynator 2 Social Media Event

How to enter:

  1. Sign Into Gleam
  2. Choose from the options to enter


由于可能有多名进入者拥有相同的姓氏,EVGA将在发布后 24 小时内单独与得奖者联系。